Current Conserve Nassau Initiatives

Solving issues requires a multi-faceted approach. We are wired like that.


o   Actively engaging property owners, the City Stormwater Engineer, the County Stormwater Engineer and other staff to:

  • address current flooding problems mid-island

  • ensure that Fernandina Beach and Nassau County have a collaborative, mutually supportive working relationship, and

  • ensure that both jurisdictions are developing the knowledge base to support future economic, environmental and social sustainability and resilience.

o   Promoting policies that (1) protect mature native trees, (2) improve our stormwater management system, and (3) prevent overdevelopment and excess impervious surface.


o   Partnering with the American Beach community to provide state-of-the-art aerial photo and LiDAR imagery for understanding dune dynamics and change at American Beach.

o   Providing input regarding the issues of native and invasive vines on the dunes and in the maritime hammock in Spyglass and AIPCA.

Advocate for land conservation: Throughout the County and in Fernandina Beach.

Guide to Nassau County Flora and Fauna: Year 1 of a multi-year project to document the wildlife and vegetation in our county, an educational guide and information for decisions regarding development.

Native garden in Egans Creek Park: Maintaining our demonstration garden and educating the public regarding native gardening to support pollinators and other wildlife.

Proposed RYAM bioethanol plant: We are highly concerned about the development of such a facility in any urban area or on a barrier island. We support No Ethanol Fernandina.

Nassau County Vision 2050: Providing recommendations for the Nassau County Vision 2050 Plan, which will constitute the foundation for the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. Providing input on Vision Plans, Comprehensive Plans and Land Development Codes is at the core of our Land Use initiative.

Current Conserve Nassau Participation

We are in the room to advocate with local government and decision makers.

Nassau Conservation Network: Coordination of environmental organizations operating in the County that provides a framework for communication and collaboration.

CoFB Historic District Council: Active board member in facilitation of overhauling and re-writing the Historic District Guidelines for the CoFB.

Nassau County Emergency Management meetings: Share information from Emergency Management via our Facebook page to expand public access.

Nassau County Vision 2050 Ambassadors: Two of our board members have served as Vision 2050 Ambassadors, a group that has distributed information and encouraged community engagement in this important County process. 

Conservation Land Acquisition and Management (CLAM): Submitting nominations and input on policy, process and parcels.

Jacksonville Transit Authority: Plan for public transportation in Nassau County.  Promoted public participation in regional transportation plan and attended transportation meetings and webinars.

Fernandina Beach Program for Public Information (PPI): A required element of participation in FEMA's Community Rating System, which helps communities to lower flood insurance rates. Two members of this committee.

Fernandina Beach Planning Advisory Board: Providing input on controlled growth, environmental issues, transportation, and maintaining our city’s sense of place.

City and County concerns: Canopy Road Designation for Shadow Woods Lane; Riverstone development; CoFB historic downtown, sidewalks and trees; Tringali development; mid-island development; strategic planning.

Northeast Florida Regional Council Resilient First Coast: Active member.

Nassau County GIS: Providing mapping assistance for conservation concerns.

Nassau County-Amelia Island Tree Commission: Providing regular input related to update of the Amelia Island Tree Protection Ordinance, issues related to development that impact our canopy and development of their planting plan.

Clean ups: with St Mary’s Riverkeepers and Keep Nassau Beautiful

Installation: Newest model of Hohonu/SECOORA/ASBPA tide gauge in Fernandina Harbor.