Nassau Field Guides

The projects on this page are made possible with the generous support of the Larsen Fund, Inc. The Larsen Fund provides philanthropic and civic grants matching the interests of descendants of founders Roy and Margot Larsen. The Fund encourages consideration of the needs of family member's individual communities as well as national interests. They share their experiences as donors with each other to strengthen family bonds and learn from each other.

Nassau Field Guides

Conserve Nassau is creating field guides to biota common to Nassau County. Birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and plants will be represented. Expected release will begin in the winter of this year. Check back to this page for updates!

Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius barbouri) 14-22 in., this small rattlesnake has a tiny rattle that is seldom heard. They have a row of dorsal spots and an orange or red-brown dorsal stripe. Dusky pygmies live near water in a variety of habitats and will use gopher tortoise burrows.

Nassau Biota Databases

Our Larsen Fund grant is also supporting the development of a database of Nassau County plants and animals that is more inclusive than the scope of our field guides and offers the potential for interesting analyses of observations and patterns. This will be an ongoing effort.

Also see our guide to Nassau County coastal plants

Clapper Rail and sonogram

Discover which birds are singing now 

Our Haikubox recorders are identifying birds as they sing, creating lists, and posting their recordings. Drop by here often to see and hear what’s new and changing.

Overlooking Egans Creek Greenway, this is a protected area of Freshwater Marsh, Salt Marsh, Swamp, and Hardwood/Mixed Forest. This landscape is within 1/2 mile of the Atlantic Ocean.

A rural, heavily wooded neighborhood characterized by Mixed Hardwood/Coniferous Swamp and Upland Coniferous Forest plus a small pond.

From a back porch facing the marsh and about 3/4 of a mile from the Amelia River.

This Haikubox recorder is independently owned and operated.

Registered users (free) have greater functionality with time trends and other features.

Interested in purchasing a Haikubox for your yard as part of Conserve Nassau’s Nassau County network? Contact us!

How can I contribute to observing wildlife for this Nassau County database and field guides?

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